A 3D printer created a shoe
A video posted by CNN shows the beginning of a new era in technology. A 3D printer that can print out real live objects has been created, something that I never though could exist. Pretty much anything that you can think of can be created in your home by simply pushing a few buttons. This new invention will make things more efficient for businesses and for the home life. You won’t always have to spend so much money on clothes or shoes, and the price of little things such as a cell phone holder that are usually overpriced can now be made were you live. Anything you want such as a shoe, a toy, or even a cell phone case is all examples of what this printer can make.
For the price of thirteen hundred dollars families and anyone who wishes will no longer have to order things from china. Manufacturing can be done in any home. This will revolutionize technology and how things are made. Simple and small trinkets that we pay so much money for will now be made in homes all around. We won’t have to pay so much money because of the printer that will make anything you want. We will have more money to transport other things we need to America instead of spending money to have other people make and deliver things that most Americans don’t even need. This might seem like a small step to some but to others this is a big door opener because with the start of this new technology will come new and other more efficient technology. This world is based on technology and this new 3D printer is a perfect example to show how far the world has come.
I liked your view on this topic. I also found this topic to be very interesting to read because it deals with being creative and how our country has gone away from that in ways. In my own personal opinion at least we depend on countries such as china to make little things for us. I hope one day people stop going overseas for stuff instead they move back and create jobs in America by taking little house hold items and turning them into different inventions such as this 3D printer who created this shoe which is amazing in and of itself. If we had more people trying to create something like that our economy would be in a different place than it actually is as of this moment. In my own personal opinion it’s time to bring back pride in American made products instead of going overseas for everything.