Apple is the main focus of a lot of technology talk lately. During the past few years the new IPhone 4 has developed a problem with the service and dropping call frequently. The company is now giving back to the customers for the problem that has been occurring. Apple will be giving customers their choice of 15 dollars or a free case for their phones. The cases are supposed to help with the digital signal and help decrease the amount of drop calls due to bad service. I have the IPhone and have experienced the dropped calls with and without the case on. I do not understand why the calls drop but it is very annoying and happens on more than half of my calls. This problem mostly happens at school, where my service bars are never on full, so it could be the phone antenna or the reception out here in Dudley, MA. The problem for Apple is that there are way too many customers with the IPhone 4 and the same problems to fix. Which makes it difficult to please everyone without spending a lot of money, and free cases is the least they can do to make the customers feel like Apple care about their products and the customers. The settlement of $15 is fair and the customers have 120 days to get either the money or the free case to try and help make the antenna work to its full potential.
Monday, February 27, 2012
IPhone 4
Apple is the main focus of a lot of technology talk lately. During the past few years the new IPhone 4 has developed a problem with the service and dropping call frequently. The company is now giving back to the customers for the problem that has been occurring. Apple will be giving customers their choice of 15 dollars or a free case for their phones. The cases are supposed to help with the digital signal and help decrease the amount of drop calls due to bad service. I have the IPhone and have experienced the dropped calls with and without the case on. I do not understand why the calls drop but it is very annoying and happens on more than half of my calls. This problem mostly happens at school, where my service bars are never on full, so it could be the phone antenna or the reception out here in Dudley, MA. The problem for Apple is that there are way too many customers with the IPhone 4 and the same problems to fix. Which makes it difficult to please everyone without spending a lot of money, and free cases is the least they can do to make the customers feel like Apple care about their products and the customers. The settlement of $15 is fair and the customers have 120 days to get either the money or the free case to try and help make the antenna work to its full potential.
Ready or Not, Here Timeline Comes
By Pat Walsh
This blog post was inspired by the article “5 ways to secure your Facebook profile in a post-Timeline world”, written by Logan Kugler on February 7, 2012.
Have you switched to the new Facebook Timeline yet? Well it does not matter, because in the next two weeks everyone’s profiles are going to be switched to the new and some say “improved” template. Since there is no way to actually stop the transformation, there are a few tips that will help secure your timeline profile.
The first tip is to limit the amount of connections you have through your security settings. Set your settings so that only your close friends can view or post on your profile. The reason behind making the accounts so private is because in the future there will be employers or employees looking for you on Facebook, the last pictures you want them to see are you crushing Natty’s like a champ in your dorm room.
The second tip is to take control of your tags. It is a good idea to change your tag settings because you have to approve anything before it can go public. For instance, you are on vacation and you get absolutely sauced, you still have time to delete any tagged pictures your friends posted of you puking out the taxi window. What happens in Vegas, should stay in Vegas.
An important tip to know is that you should be aware who has permission to access your profile through applications. Get rid of any unwanted applications that you may have you may have through your privacy settings. These apps are unwanted because they all have permission to your information in your accounts. For the remaining apps that you would like to keep, go to the settings and check the apps privacy settings and make sure everything is in order.
The timeline is all about sharing, which makes it a good idea to start cutting down on your social footprints. Rather than letting the whole world know all the junk you said or posted from when you were a freshman in high school, you can now disable recent activity updates. To delete certain posts you must delete them individually.
This blog post was inspired by the article “5 ways to secure your Facebook profile in a post-Timeline world”, written by Logan Kugler on February 7, 2012.
Have you switched to the new Facebook Timeline yet? Well it does not matter, because in the next two weeks everyone’s profiles are going to be switched to the new and some say “improved” template. Since there is no way to actually stop the transformation, there are a few tips that will help secure your timeline profile.
The first tip is to limit the amount of connections you have through your security settings. Set your settings so that only your close friends can view or post on your profile. The reason behind making the accounts so private is because in the future there will be employers or employees looking for you on Facebook, the last pictures you want them to see are you crushing Natty’s like a champ in your dorm room.
The second tip is to take control of your tags. It is a good idea to change your tag settings because you have to approve anything before it can go public. For instance, you are on vacation and you get absolutely sauced, you still have time to delete any tagged pictures your friends posted of you puking out the taxi window. What happens in Vegas, should stay in Vegas.
An important tip to know is that you should be aware who has permission to access your profile through applications. Get rid of any unwanted applications that you may have you may have through your privacy settings. These apps are unwanted because they all have permission to your information in your accounts. For the remaining apps that you would like to keep, go to the settings and check the apps privacy settings and make sure everything is in order.
The timeline is all about sharing, which makes it a good idea to start cutting down on your social footprints. Rather than letting the whole world know all the junk you said or posted from when you were a freshman in high school, you can now disable recent activity updates. To delete certain posts you must delete them individually.
Blog #3
I hit save instead of publish ... so I guess my blog is late and I apologize ... ANYWAY.
Is Apple bettering conditions in China for their workers? Were they bad in the first place? Truth is, it was terrible from the beginning. Foxconn is one of the companies that is responsible for assembling much of the Apple products, such as iPods, iPads, iPhones, MacBooks and much more. In this article, it is stated that the working conditions and the benefits for these employees is nothing near what they all believe they should be receiving. Foxconn also does not want any employees talking to the public, possibly because of unfair or unstable conditions?! It is being known that the labor at Foxconn is military-like and they use men and women as their "machines". Is this what work should be like? Or is this the beginning of a movement? Foxconn is using the promise of benefits, over time and "great pay" to get workers to jump on board and work for them. Unfortunately, Foxconn only gives these benefits to elders ONLY. How are the young civilian working labor force supposed to know that before it's too late? Global news has been tackling this subject intently and has been receiving nothing but negative feedback from a lot of people. Is this the beginning of the end for Foxconn employment opportunities? Who knows, but one thing is for sure, Foxconn better get their story straight before more employees come out and share their own stories and experiences. The public frowns upon this type of treatment and something will more than likely be done about it. Only recently have they come out with statement that respond to the accusations, but the quotes are a whole lot of nothing. Are they hiding something? Most definitely. Stories like "Chen's" only support the accusations and if this continues it could create chaos among the company. Apple does not want a reputation like that, therefor they could easily try to look for another company that would do the same things as Foxconn, the problem with that:
In this situation it's a lose/lose. So what will the future have for Foxconn and Apple? We'll have to see.
Apple manufacturing plant workers complain of long hours, militant culture
Chi-Chi Zhang, CNN
Is Apple bettering conditions in China for their workers? Were they bad in the first place? Truth is, it was terrible from the beginning. Foxconn is one of the companies that is responsible for assembling much of the Apple products, such as iPods, iPads, iPhones, MacBooks and much more. In this article, it is stated that the working conditions and the benefits for these employees is nothing near what they all believe they should be receiving. Foxconn also does not want any employees talking to the public, possibly because of unfair or unstable conditions?! It is being known that the labor at Foxconn is military-like and they use men and women as their "machines". Is this what work should be like? Or is this the beginning of a movement? Foxconn is using the promise of benefits, over time and "great pay" to get workers to jump on board and work for them. Unfortunately, Foxconn only gives these benefits to elders ONLY. How are the young civilian working labor force supposed to know that before it's too late? Global news has been tackling this subject intently and has been receiving nothing but negative feedback from a lot of people. Is this the beginning of the end for Foxconn employment opportunities? Who knows, but one thing is for sure, Foxconn better get their story straight before more employees come out and share their own stories and experiences. The public frowns upon this type of treatment and something will more than likely be done about it. Only recently have they come out with statement that respond to the accusations, but the quotes are a whole lot of nothing. Are they hiding something? Most definitely. Stories like "Chen's" only support the accusations and if this continues it could create chaos among the company. Apple does not want a reputation like that, therefor they could easily try to look for another company that would do the same things as Foxconn, the problem with that:
Crothall said it's important to empower workers. But it's also a challenge for Apple to find a manufacturer that delivers the quality and speed Foxconn can with its vast resources, he added.
In this situation it's a lose/lose. So what will the future have for Foxconn and Apple? We'll have to see.
Apple manufacturing plant workers complain of long hours, militant culture
Chi-Chi Zhang, CNN
Friday, February 24, 2012
Web Identity Ever Catch On.
There are people on the internet that have passwords for many things they log into. Yahoo, Google, Facebook ,Twitter ,and Apple are just a few that are big names in the internet world right now. Many people use the same password for all their online sites. They share the password with people that are in their family or very close to them all the time. This article wants those things to change up just a little. They believe that everyone should have a password that contains something similar that they only know themselves. The company NSTIC wants people to have one username and one password for everything they do. For example when they log onto Google and Facebook they should be able to use the same information for both.This would keep peoples identity safe from others. Identity theft is something big that is happening now on these sites. People can be ordering things off other peoples accounts and stealing their identity.NSTIC is doing an experiment that gives a certain amount of people an online ID.They are going to try to stop the identity theft that is going on around the world all at once.
NSTIC is making it harder for people to steal identity and making punishments for people who try and get caught red handed doing so.The government is getting bad views because in the past things did not work out so well with trying to do the same thing. The face of this operation actually has no face yet. People may have to get text messages of their temporary password at the moment until they get everything in order. I think that this would be very good for people and stopping identity theft from happening. I just hope the government has a good idea that will actually be successful this time and not back fire. This world is getting smarter each and everyday. As long as the government stays ahead of the people trying to do wrong then everything should be fine.
blog # 3
Tech Check: iPhone privacy, even angrier birds
By Doug Gross, CNN
updated 10:49 AM EST, Fri February 17, 2012 | Filed under: Web
I think it is really insane about the Iphone that all these different apps are being downloaded. It is crazy to think that every day downloaded apps such as facebook, twitter, and angry birds already have over 800 million downloads. Basically this article just talks about how many users are downloading these apps onto their mobile devices and about the new apps that will be coming about such as an app for farmville that was a very popular game on facebook. But, also new apps that will tell you where the pot holes are in the city so one can go around them. "Our Reader Comments of the Week come from a post on our What's Next blog about about a mobile app being developed in Boston that would use your phone to automatically report potholes to the city." I think the pothole app is a very far fetched idea but there are alot of cool apps already available on the various generations of Iphones. The article also mentioned Chris Brown about how he posted something on the internet over the twitter app and wanted to delete it but he couldnt. He was awarded the Tech Check of the week award. nd our Tech Fail of the Week goes to Chris Brown, the now Grammy-winning artist who, among other issues, reminded us this week that just because you delete something on the internet (in this case, Twitter) doesn't mean it really goes away. Ever." I think users really need to be aware of the things they post on these apps because in the end they could come back to haunt you. People you interact with everyday, such as co-workers and bosses can see things that one posts and can affect your position in the workplace. Another thing one has to worry about is what if their Iphone gets stolen and people go on to use these apps and post things for you, this could become a big problem also. I am currently an Iphone user and use these different apps on my phone, which is why I like to set a password in order to open my phone at all so bad things don't happen in case my phone falls into the wrong hands. The fact that the Iphone lets you choose to set a password is a very good idea I believe for these obvious reasons. Other smartphones that have these available apps should also be able to set passwords so unwanted posts don't go up all over twitter, facebook, and the internet. The better our technology gets the more information that the public will be able to see, with better technology their should be better ways from preventing these things from happening.
Johnny Blaus
5 ways to secure your Facebook profile in a post-Timeline world
Aaron Perez-Griffith
Professor Fluery-Lawson
ITM 123-02
ITM 123-02
has now made a new feature once again. This new timeline feature is a very good
thing to use now, especially for security reasons. With
Facebook coming out with the Timeline feature, security and your privacy have
never been more important to your life online. The new timeline shows all of
your current and past statuses, pictures, and activities on your Facebook. Your
post, photos, comments, likes ext.… in an interesting timeline format. Anyone
who can access your profile can see these things; this may include friends, family,
colleges, and executives at a company or even a potential future boss. If you
decided to make the change to Timeline or if you didn't, you will probably within
the next few weeks or so. This is whether you want to or not you should know
that Facebook is always changing things, and there are certain settings that
have been put in place that you need to pay attention to if you are concerned
about what parts of your personal life that you want others to see. I myself
have made the change to the timeline. It is very interesting to what I’m
seeing. The timeline feature’s new security settings are very helpful. It
helped me keep a lot of people who I either don’t like or I just didn’t want to
be looking at my page form being on it. It makes you feel very secure in my
opinion. There is just a lot more personal safety on Facebook now and I feel
that everyone should make the change to Facebook timeline if you want to better
your Facebook page.
Apple settles class-action suit over iPhone 4 antenna problem
The artical talks about how they can solve the calling situation on the Iphone 4. Personally i do not have the iPhone 4 so i would know if the calls be messing up all the time. The people that i do know that have the iPhone 4, i never heard them say they had any types of problems with their iPhone 4. Since they say that they have problems they are willing to offer them a free case or $15. I feel like that is a really good idea. If someone buys an iPhone 4 they should be getting a free case to come with it. The iPhone 4 is already expensive as it is, so it is only fair that they have a free case with it. if they do give them a free case when they do drop it, they wont have the calling problem to begin with. The 15 dollars that they also offer they can go out there and buy them a case for their phone. Since i do not have an iPhone 4, i plan on getting one soon. I hope the deal is in process because i wouldn't want my iPhone 4 messing up. Especially i drop my phone a lot. So i am willing to get that free case or the $15.
In my opinion i feel like they should be having problems with the iPhone 4 at all. the iPhone 4 is the number 1 phone that a lot of people have now a days. So they should know that they need to fix all the problems that they know are causing the situation. Even though the case my help not causing all the call problems, sometimes it might not work. So paying a lot of money for an iPhone 4 that will get messed up is just a waste of money in my own personal opinion. People should really think wisely about when they buy the iPhone for weather they want to pay that whole bunch of money. I know that i will be paying it and taking that risk because the iPhone 4 is one of the best phones out there and i am already used to the iPhone.
In my opinion i feel like they should be having problems with the iPhone 4 at all. the iPhone 4 is the number 1 phone that a lot of people have now a days. So they should know that they need to fix all the problems that they know are causing the situation. Even though the case my help not causing all the call problems, sometimes it might not work. So paying a lot of money for an iPhone 4 that will get messed up is just a waste of money in my own personal opinion. People should really think wisely about when they buy the iPhone for weather they want to pay that whole bunch of money. I know that i will be paying it and taking that risk because the iPhone 4 is one of the best phones out there and i am already used to the iPhone.
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