Protecting your iPhone
10 Steps to Smartphone Privacy
By: Eric Zeman
February 18, 2012
Never in a million years would I have thought about protecting my iPhone besides the obvious, do not leave it out in the open while you walk away. There are ten different steps you can take to protect your smartphone from companies, apps, strangers, spam e-mails and more. These ten steps are very important and can help you out a lot. There are certain apps you can purchase or even download for free that have a tracking device so if your phone is stolen you may find it. You can also delete information from your phone without having it physically in your hands which is also a good thing if your phone is stolen. As for the strangers that may steal your phone it is good for you to have a password or passcode. This password is to "log" you into your phone. After a certain amount of time of not using your phone it will lock and the only way to get back into your phone is by plugging in your passcode. Strangers may not know this code and not know how to get around it, therefore; your personal information is safe. You can have a passcode that includes numbers or even the alphabet. The alphabet is a better choice because there are so many more options then if you were to use numbers.
Not only do you think that the passcode is an obvious saftey issue some do not have that along with others being as dumb as letting a complete stranger use your phone. They may say it is an emergency, which actually might be the case but in this situation you make the call and put it on speaker phone so your phone is in your hands at all times. Just like on your home computer you would be careful on opening certain e-mails, so treat your iphone like your computer. You must be careful with the e-mails you open and the attachments you click on. Once again it may seem obvious but some just do not think of things like these. You should also update your phone as much as possible. Most of the updates that you would get are from the manufactuer and they are there to help and protect your smartphone. When downloaded apps be sure to make sure they are creditable and good sources. If you do not use an app anymore the most obvious thing to do is delete it. Make sure you do that. There are more of the ten steps to protect your iphone in the article but this pretty much sums it up.
Like mentioned multiple times most of these are obvious steps to take but most forget or just do not do them. Everyone with a smartphone should take these precautions because it is the safe thing to do.
IPhones have become a very popular phone recently due to them signing with verizon. Although it is more safe to have a passcode on your iphone, some people, such as myself have trouble remembering passwords or just find it annoying to keep having to enter your passcode every time you want to access your phone. I have tried it, and I get really annoyed with it very quickly. Sure it is a good idea if you don't always keep your phone on you, or you loose it frequently, but I think apple should come up with some better ways to keep your phone safe. If apple could come up with an application that allows the owner to turn off their phone right away when it gets stolen that would be a great way to keep your information safe as well as decrease thefts.