Monday, February 27, 2012

Blog #3

I hit save instead of publish ... so I guess my blog is late and I apologize ... ANYWAY.
Is Apple bettering conditions in China for their workers? Were they bad in the first place? Truth is, it was terrible from the beginning. Foxconn is one of the companies that is responsible for assembling much of the Apple products, such as iPods, iPads, iPhones, MacBooks and much more. In this article, it is stated that the working conditions and the benefits for these employees is nothing near what they all believe they should be receiving. Foxconn also does not want any employees talking to the public, possibly because of unfair or unstable conditions?! It is being known that the labor at Foxconn is military-like and they use men and women as their "machines". Is this what work should be like? Or is this the beginning of a movement? Foxconn is using the promise of benefits, over time and "great pay" to get workers to jump on board and work for them. Unfortunately, Foxconn only gives these benefits to elders ONLY. How are the young civilian working labor force supposed to know that before it's too late? Global news has been tackling this subject intently and has been receiving nothing but negative feedback from a lot of people. Is this the beginning of the end for Foxconn employment opportunities? Who knows, but one thing is for sure, Foxconn better get their story straight before more employees come out and share their own stories and experiences. The public frowns upon this type of treatment and something will more than likely be done about it. Only recently have they come out with statement that respond to the accusations, but the quotes are a whole lot of nothing. Are they hiding something? Most definitely. Stories like "Chen's" only support the accusations and if this continues it could create chaos among the company. Apple does not want a reputation like that, therefor they could easily try to look for another company that would do the same things as Foxconn, the problem with that:
Crothall said it's important to empower workers. But it's also a challenge for Apple to find a manufacturer that delivers the quality and speed Foxconn can with its vast resources, he added.

In this situation it's a lose/lose. So what will the future have for Foxconn and Apple? We'll have to see.

Apple manufacturing plant workers complain of long hours, militant culture
Chi-Chi Zhang, CNN

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