Monday, April 9, 2012

Blog #4 Facebook Password

There has been a knew interest for employers to ask people who are applying and interviewing for jobs for their facebook passwords. They are doing this to look throughout the person's facebook to see what is going on in their social lives. They are doing things such as going through their messages and looking through their photos and on their walls. For people who really need jobs they do not have any other choice but to give the employers their passwords. But many people, such as myself, believe that this is a huge invasion of privacy.

It is one thing for an employer to look at someones photos, which I still believe is an invasion of privacy, but to go through their personal facebook is even more invasion than that. The employers are going through the applicants personal conversations with their friends and families. One person says "Will the next step be to request a key to my house?" That is a little extreme but they are right. It is a huge invasion of privacy. Especially if the person does not have bad pictures or anything like that. I do not think that there is any reason to request their facebook password.


  1. This is crazy, are you telling me that you can't have your facebook photos deleted for almost three years? And then they could even still be floating around the web somewhere? I would be very upset if there was a picture that I didn't want up on facebook, on the internet for years later.

  2. I completely agree that there is a line between going through someones messages on Facebook which are private and going through their photos. Looking at their messages on Facebook is just like going through their mail because both of it is personal information. I do not see a problem with an employer "creeping" on their photos as long as the employees privacy settings allows them to. The employers have no right to ask their employee for their password and either hire them or fire them based on if they hand over their password. It is pretty amazing what employers now do because of the new technology. If my employer had asked for my password I believe that I would have given it to them only because I am not hiding anything on my Facebook and then I would change it right after. People who desperately need a job or to keep their job have no other choice but to give it to them because in today's economy there is not a lot of businesses hiring.

  3. I read this article as well. I think it is barbaric of someone to ask for someone else’s password because that is so unethical. It is a privacy issue and people should not have to worry about handing out their password. If a potential employer ever asked me to give them my password I would honestly walk out of their office because I would think it is creepy and wrong. I would not want to work for someone who would ask for a private password.
    I think this should not even be an issue, people should have enough respect to not ask for a password and trust that a person is doing the right thing. If this issue becomes more serious I will probably end up deleting my social websites because I do not want to be faced with having to hand out my PRIVATE password.

  4. I believe that is disrupting their privacy. I believe that if they go through their employees Facebook regularly, and they do not see anything inappropriate it should be all fine. Asking an employee for their Facebook password to go through their message and Facebook is just privacy. I do not thing the message is unnecessary to go through because that is their personal business. That's how I would feel. For me personally I would not give out my personal information out like that. If I wanted the world to know what was going on through my messages I would have post it as a regular status instead of it being my message. I think this should change as soon as possible, because people would not one their managers to be in their personal business. People need to start denying it and eventually it would stop. I think that is the best way it will end up working.

  5. This blog was interesting to say the least. Going through you rpersonal pictures and messages on Facebook is something that shouldnt be done at all. It is a total invasion of privacy. I feel like some people talk diffrently on facebook than they talk in person. Im one of those people that will use short words rather than spelling the whole word out. Looking at personal family or friends pictures is something that is private to your life. Employees and others looking threw your things freely isnt something that is fun because people judge like crazy now. They assume the person is a drug addidct if they see a picture of you sleeping and if you sleep in crazy positions then people might think that you are drunk or on drugs. thats just a simple assetment of someone assuming things due to your facebook pictuers
