Friday, April 6, 2012

The Brainyard "March Madness and Social Networking" March 2012

It’s amazing all the effort the different sports teams go through to use social media to please the fans of their local teams. They use the social networks to create different clubs and organizations for the fans. The most famous example of this is “red sox’s nation” which was started on a social network and has become an identity for all red sox’s fans. It is something that all people in that group can come together and say I am a part of that. All Boston sports teams use social networking. The bruins, red sox’s, Celtics, patriots, and the revolution to get the word out about different events that are going on with the teams. They also use it to promote fan pride within the teams with different things to please them. They used the sites for all the times they had won a championship for parade times. One thing I know from twitter is even the players you can follow and see how they are feeling and as a human that makes u feel as if you are connected with that star athlete as a normal person. The goal of a person in marketing is to keep the fans coming back to the games and selling out, so they use social media to have free give a ways and that gets the average fan to look at their twitter feed or Facebook feed everyday to see if they may have won something or have the potential to win something. They also use social media to get word out of their teams faster between injuries and trades. They used the example of Peyton Manning of the colts being released from the colts and how the colts organization should have become more personal with their fans instead of just handing them a written statement. Which is true they should have talked to the fans in a personal way and let them know the direction that they were going with the organization? Peyton was such a huge figure in that city that the fans at least deserved a personal note from the organization. With social media they could have done that is all I am trying to state.


  1. Pat, it certainly is amazing that all these college and professional sports teams use social networks like twitter in order to communicate with eachother. I can see the good that comes out of these things especially for the fans being able to seem closer to their favorite players and athletes. It is really easy to promote the team with these online networks. However when they use social media to discuss team movements within their organization like with the Peyton Manning situation it can get pretty overboard. I do not think twitter should be used for professional situations some media should not be released to the public thats just part of the game.

  2. I have to agree completely with Pat as well as Johnny. Think about how far technology as come and how lucky we are in today's society to have social media as a useful and helpful tool. When social media networks are used in the proper and right manner the usefulness it provides can be endless. It is a great communication tool for the "on the go" lifestyles people have, it is a quick and easy way to communicate quickly with people, the advantages are really endless. However, when these tools are used in a negative way it can really damage and hurt someone. You mentioned the Peyton Manning situation, the use of twitter got blown up over that. The colts owner Jim Irsay, should be the twitter King he tweets more than i think anyone in the corperate world. I agree with Johnny, twitter shouldnt be used in all situations especially in the situation of Peyton Manning, that kind of professional stuff should be handled in house face to face not over social media and twitter. When used right twitter and social media is a great tool, but sometimes it used in unprofessional ways.
