Friday, April 6, 2012

Blog #4

ACLU: Facebook Password Isn’t Your boss’ Business

I read the article: “ACLU: Facebook Password Isn’t Your boss’ Business” This article is so relevant to today’s day in age.  All of the job interviews I hold in the future, I will probably be asked to show my Facebook or give a password so they can get onto my Facebook.

Facebook has become such a necessary requirement to anyone in this world for communication.  If we think back to a day without Facebook it would probably be a really hazy memory because it is such an important feature in our life. It is on our phones, ipads, computers, tablets, and everything that can have Wi-Fi. 

Giving a boss access to your facebook account could kiss your job goodbye.  You need to have a private life and giving him access to your life would be him knowing all the stuff that could be personal.  Personally I am considering deleting my Facebook to avoid future troubles I could potentially have.  You have a password for a reason; it is a privacy feature so only YOU can have access to your account.  It is not your bosses business.

In the article it states:

"It's an invasion of privacy for private employers to insist on looking at people's private Facebook pages as a condition of employment or consideration in an application process," attorney Catherine Crump said in a statement from the ACLU. "People are entitled to their private lives."

In conclusion, I believe giving access to anyone that is not immediately related to you is a violation of privacy and it can create serious consequences for you in the future.  People who give out their passwords to friends create their own problems but giving it to your boss is another story. It is technically against Facebook’s law to give out your password to anyone.  People are breaking that law every day and it needs to be controlled because peoples Facebooks are being hacked and it is dangerous to a person.  I am almost positive I will be deleting my facebook just because I don’t want to encounter these problems.

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