I thought this article was interesting because I am currently a Netflix user and I like to use it from time to time, but now that this new Redbox streaming is about to become available is does sound like Netflix will have some competition. The only difference that I read in the article is that the Verizon/Redbox will have more streaming available and on Netflix the only stuff that is available is what they have out on the site at a particular time. So who knows which one will be better once the Redbox is released.
I also read some of the comments on this article and most people seem to believe that Netflix will suffer from this new company that is emerging. People seem to like the idea that Redbox is coming out with something to stream videos and majority votes in favor of the Verizon/Redbox company. I also believe that the new company might blow Netflix out of the water because the fact that there are supposedly going to be so many more options with movies and TV shows because that is really Netflix only downside. The fact that not alot of available to the user on Netflix kind of sucks. This new Verizon/Redbox company sounds like alot more will be available to the users and it looks like they might take advantage of Netflix's weakness.
The fact that so many people currently already use Netflix and might not want to change or switch over to Verizon/Redbox company could also play a big role in this debate. Will this new company be the end of Netflix?
Netflix did start to put Blockbuster out of business, could this new technology now ultimatley be the end for Netflix as well? Only time will tell.
This article is a very interesting one with Netflix and Redbox going head to head with each other.In my opinion i think that Redbox will blow Netflix out the water without a doubt. I have Netflix and the options you have to chose from a very slim. Not a lot of movies or shows are on the Netflix website and that explains why i had to deactivate my account. Redbox is seeming to have more to offer for people with playing movies from their video games which a lot of college students do daily on free time. On a saturday night at school Redbox comes in handy just to kill some time with friends or girlfriends or boyfriends. If they get Redbox to blow up then i think it will change a lot of peoples outlook on Netflix and Blockbuster.This Redbox movement will take over in the industry of renting and buying movies because people will not have to get up drive somewhere to rent a movie, instead they can sit at home and do it right from their T.V.